Screenshot Captor 2.50.01Screenshot Captor ist ein weiteres kostenloses Tool um Screenshots zu erstellen. Außerdem bietet Screenshot Captor grundlegende Bearbeitungsfunktionen.
In Version 2.50.01 haben die Entwickler unter anderem eine Funktion hinzugefügt, die einen Ordner mit dem aktuellen Datum erstellt.
Changelog:- Added new "Move To" menu item which will create a folder based on current date and move all screenshots into it; useful for quick organizing of screenshot folder.
- Added new "Move To" menu for moving only old files and sorting into subfolders based on date of screenshot; userful for cleaning up a big directory of screenshots.
- Added sort by -> name option in View menu.
- Post-capture popup dialog SaveAs now defaults to template filename and configured file type/extension.
- Added new interlace special effects, including one meant for security purposes that will blur and then interlace.
- [BugFix] Discard changes wasn't reloading the original file.
- [BugFix] Thumbnail option to not change to new thumbnail was not being obeyed.
- [BugFix] SC would sometimes select the entire screenshot contents when capturing a region inside the active window.
- [BugFix] The option chosen on SaveOverwrite popup was not being saved if triggered while exiting.
- Added new Region Border Glow effect.
Screenshot Captor