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Zum Thema Windows Update versus Ubuntu Update - A few months ago, Steve Ballmer publicly noted that Windows Vista was “a work in progress.” That inspired a predictable outpouring of Vista-bashing.... im Bereich News
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Windows Update versus Ubuntu Update

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Windows Update versus Ubuntu Update
« am: 16. Juli 2008, 02:57:58 »
A few months ago, Steve Ballmer publicly noted that Windows Vista was “a work in progress.” That inspired a predictable outpouring of Vista-bashing. After all, look how many updates Windows Vista has had since it was first released. Obviously, it was a disaster, or there would have been no need for that many updates, right? Why couldn’t Microsoft get it right the first time?

The reality? All modern operating systems used as mainstream business and consumer platforms are “works in progress” and require frequent updates to fix bugs and resolve security issues (and occasionally to add features). Many of those bugs and security issues don’t surface until the code gets deployed widely, and even then it sometimes takes detective work to figure out where the actual problem is. Presumably, the big issues get worked out within a few months, and the pace of updates drops off (but not to zero).

I thought about this over the weekend when I opened up a Hyper-V virtual machine running Ubuntu Linux 8.04. This was a plain-vanilla install of Ubuntu, with no additional software except what is included with the downloaded distro. I had last used this VM 51 days earlier, at which point the OS release was about a month old. At that time, it was completely current with patches and updates, and I hadn’t reopened it since. (A side note: My Ubuntu and OpenSUSE 11 installations on this Hyper-V server were exceptionally easy and performance is excellent. I’ll be migrating my Fedora installation from Virtual PC 2007 to Hyper-V and adding an OpenBSD machine on this platform as well.)

I expected that I would have to install a few updates. But I was surprised to see how many.

Kompletter Artikel auf Englisch unter: http://blogs.zdnet.com/Bott/?p=496
meinpc - go-windows.de


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« Antwort #1 am: 17. Juli 2008, 09:40:11 »
... und was soll uns diese Eingabe von Herrn Ballmer sagen ??? 

Nobody is perfect - Vista sowieso nicht und auch "Ubuntu" nicht - oder was ???
« Letzte Änderung: 17. Juli 2008, 10:21:10 von Master of Disaster »
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« Antwort #2 am: 17. Juli 2008, 16:11:24 »
Lassen wir das. Das führt nur wieder in eine sinnlose Diskussion. Windows hat seine Vorteile genauso wie Linux.

Ich würde für  closed stimmen

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« Antwort #3 am: 17. Juli 2008, 16:16:43 »
Ich denke Herr Ballmer  macht nur das, was jeder mit seinem Produkt machen würde. Es gut dar stehen lassen und präsentieren. Denn ein Betriebssystem ist (bestimmt zum schock einiger) keine Religion son schlicht und einfach ein Produkt. Ende.

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