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Zum Thema ATI Catalyst 9.10 - ATI Catalyst 9.10 bietet vollständigen Support für die DirectX-11-Grafikkarten der Serie HD Radeon 5800. Auch ein speziell für diese Modelle entwickelter Anti-A... im Bereich News
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ATI Catalyst 9.10

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  • Windows XP
  • Beiträge: 5973
ATI Catalyst 9.10
« am: 23. Oktober 2009, 10:44:07 »
ATI Catalyst 9.10 bietet vollständigen Support für die DirectX-11-Grafikkarten der Serie HD Radeon 5800. Auch ein speziell für diese Modelle entwickelter Anti-Aliasing-Filter wird nun unterstützt.

  • ATI Catalyst 9.10 now includes full GPU support for the award winning ATI HD Radeon 5800 series GPUS.
  • This release of ATI Catalyst provides GPU support for the Windows 7 Drag and Drop video converter application found in the Windows 7 Operating System. This feature is supported on the ATI Radeon HD 5800, ATI Radeon HD 5700 and ATI Radeon HD 4000 Series of products.
  • ATI Catalyst 9.10 provides support for a new Anti-Aliasing method on the ATI Radeon HD 5800 Series. Users can now experience the high level of anti-aliasing image quality using Super Sampling anti-aliasing while maintaining good performance levels.

Catalyst 9.10 Windows 7 32Bit
Catalyst 9.10 Windows 7 64Bit

Catalyst 9.10 Windows Vista 32Bit
Catalyst 9.10 Windows Vista 64Bit

Catalyst 9.10 Windows XP 32Bit
Catalyst 9.10 Windows XP 64Bit



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