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Zum Thema AMD Catalyst 8.11 WHQL - AMD hat heute sein neues Grafikkarten -und Chipsatz-Treiberpaket mit der Versionsnummer 8.11 veröffentlicht.Liste der Änderungen: Catalyst™ 8.11 introduces the ... im Bereich News
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AMD Catalyst 8.11 WHQL

 (Antworten: 1, Gelesen 3875 mal)

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AMD Catalyst 8.11 WHQL
« am: 13. November 2008, 20:55:03 »

AMD hat heute sein neues Grafikkarten -und Chipsatz-Treiberpaket mit der Versionsnummer 8.11 veröffentlicht.

Liste der Änderungen:

Catalyst™ 8.11 introduces the following new features:
• ATI CrossFireX™ Enhancements
• HydraVision Support for Windows XP
• New Display Enhancements
• Performance Improvements

ATI CrossFireX™ Enhancements
This release of ATI Catalyst™ enables users to verify whether an application is running in ATI CrossFireX™ mode. The new option found in the ATI Catalyst™ Control Center system tray, will allow users to verify whether a Direct3D or OpenGL application is running in ATI CrossFireX™ mode. (The "ATI Cross-FireX” logo will be shown on screen when the application is running).

HydraVision Support for Windows XP
This release of ATI Catalyst™ introduces HydraVision support for the ATI Catalyst™ Control Center under Windows XP. HydraVision enables users to more efficiently organize multiple applications across single or multiple displays. High-lights include:

• HydraGrid - A new feature found in HydraVision that divides the Windows desktop into user definable areas. This helps users to more easily move and organize multiple applications.

• HydraVision Hotkeys - The ATI Catalyst™ Control Center Hotkey Manager can assist users to quickly setup and define their HydraVision specific hotkey commands.

• HydraVision Virtual Desktops - Users can configure up to 9 different virtual desktops. This enables users to manage and group multiple applications across each user defined desktop. Application positions, desktop associations and display settings can be saved for every virtual desktop.

• HydraVision Wizard - Using the ATI Catalyst™ Control Center Wizard, users can configure their HyrdaVision settings with ease.

New Display Enhancements
This release of ATI Catalyst™ Linux introduces support for display scaling to resize the display devices that support TV timings (480i/p, 720p, 1080i, 1080p) through either digital (DVI or HDMI) or analog (component) interfaces.

Performance Improvements
The following performance gains are noticed with this release of Catalyst™

FarCry 2 - performance gains of 3 to 10% for Single card mode and 8 to 14% in Crossfire mode, with some specific configurations showing even greater improvements. Performance gains were noticed on all Radeon HD4xxx and Radeon HD3xxx products.

S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky - performance gains of 6 to 18% in single card settings and 10 to 30% in CrossfireX mode. Performance gains were noticed on all Radeon HD04xxx and Radeon HD3xxx products.

Download Catalyst Treiber 8.11


  • FPS Fetischist ;)
  • Windows Me
  • Beiträge: 1029
« Antwort #1 am: 13. November 2008, 21:39:40 »
Mit den 8.11 treibern habe ich als 4850 cf nutzer (noch auf p45chipsatz =/) minimal weniger fps in dx9 spielen (meist so 0.5-1fps) minimal mehr fps in dx10 (ebenfalls 0.5-1fps)
Test von CB.de :

also für vista nutzer und crysis vielspieler wie mich durchaus n blick wert ;)
« Letzte Änderung: 13. November 2008, 21:50:06 von Perfomance »
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