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Windows Community

 Antworten / AufrufeThemen mit dem Stichwort vista system auslesen
System Informationen auslesen
Begonnen von netzmonster
09. Mai 2007, 22:44:46
Ich habe [url=http://www.gtopala.com/] hier [/url] ein kleines Tool gefunden, welche die System Informationen des Rechners ausliest.
Ausserdem werden ausser der Hard- und Software auch die Seriennummern (Windows, Office etc) und Passwörter ausgelesen.

Meiner Meinung nach : sehr empfehlenswert

SIW (System Information for Windows) performs computer configuration analysis and diagnostics.
SIW can create a report file (CSV, HTML, TXT or XML), and is able to run in batch mode (for Asset Management, PC Audit, Software Inventory and Hardware Inventory).
SIW gives detailed information about your computer properties and settings, detailed specs for:
• Software: Operating System, Installed Software and Hotfixes, Processes, Services, Users, Open Files, System Uptime, Installed Codecs, Licenses.
• Hardware: Motherboard, Sensors, BIOS, CPU, chipset, PCI/AGP, USB and ISA/PnP Devices, Memory, Video Card, Monitor, Disk Drives, CD/DVD Devices, SCSI Devices, S.M.A.R.T., Ports, Printers.
• Network: Network Cards, Network Shares, currently active Network Connections, Open Ports.
• Tools: Password Recovery, Reveal lost passwords hidden behind asterisks, Product Keys and Serial Numbers (CD Key), MAC Address Changer, Shutdown / Restart.
• Real-time monitors: CPU, Memory, Page File usage and Network Traffic.
SIW is a standalone utility that does not require installation (Portable Freeware) - one less installed program on your PC as well the fact that you can run the program directly from an USB flash drive, from a floppy, from a network drive or from a domain login script.
Microsoft Windows 98/Me/NT4/2000/XP/Server 2003/Media Center/Tablet PC/Windows 2003 Server R2/Windows Server 2003 x64/Windows XP x64/Windows Vista/ WinRE / Bart PE / Winternals ERD Commander[/quote]

Download [url=http://www.gtopala.com/siw-download.html][b][color=blue] hier [/color][/b][/url]
[b]EDIT :[/b]  Es gibt auch eine deutschsprachige Version [/i]

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