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 Antworten / AufrufeThemen mit dem Stichwort filezilla windows
FileZilla 3.3.5
Begonnen von ossinator
15. November 2010, 10:12:39
FileZilla ist ein Open-Source-Projekt und wird kostenlos angeboten.


[li]FTP over TLS certificate store is now host-specific[/li]
[li]MSW: Large-DPI awareness[/li]
[li]Improved SFTP transfer speeds[/li]
[li]FTP over TLS should prefer ciphers with longer key sizes, updated contained GnuTLS library in precompiled binaries[/li]
[li]Add context menu entry to re-queue all files on the successful and failed queue tabs[/li]
[li]MSW: Native file list sort indicator on Windows Vista and 7[/li]
[li]Resuming of uploads was not working correctly in all cases[/li]
[li]Correct remaining time calculation in queue[/li]
[li]Do not show welcome dialog in kiosk mode 2[/li]
[li]Do not offer option to permanently accept certificate in kiosk mode 2[/li]
[li]Fix sorting by size in filelists with directory sort behavior set to inline[/li]
[li]MSW: Fix memory corruption when changing language[/li]
[li]OS X: Include license and documentation files in application bundle[/li]
[li]Directly save settings after importing from file [/li]


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Begonnen von gdi
25. August 2009, 14:22:20
Der kostenlose FTP Client FileZilla ist in der Version veröffentlicht worden. Es wurden einige Fehler behoben.
Download: http://filezilla-project.org/download.php?type=client