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 Antworten / AufrufeThemen mit dem Stichwort realtek audio codecs
Realtek HD Audio Codecs R2.55
Begonnen von ossinator
05. Dezember 2010, 13:37:12
Der Audio-Treiber steht in einer neuen Version zur Verfügung.

[b]Release Notes:[/b]

[li]Realtek HD Audio Driver support all of Realtek HD Audio Codec[/li]
[li]Vista/Windows 7 WHQL Supporting: ALC882, ALC883, ALC885, ALC887, ALC888, ALC889, ALC892, ALC899, ALC861VD, ALC660, ALC662, ALC663, ALC665, ALC670, ALC680 ALC260, ALC262,ALC267, ALC268, ALC269, ALC270, ALC272, ALC273, ALC275[/li]
[li]Windows 2000/XP WHQL Supporting: ALC880, ALC882, ALC883, ALC885, ALC887, ALC888, ALC889, ALC892, ALC899, ALC861VC, ALC861VD, ALC660, ALC662, ALC663, ALC665, ALC670, ALC680 ALC260, ALC262, ALC267,ALC268, ALC269, ALC270, ALC272, ALC273, ALC275[/li]
[li]HDMI Device WHQL Support: ATI HDMI Devices[/li]
[li]OS Supporting: Microsoft Windows XP, Windows 2000, Windows Server 2003, Vista, Windows Server 2008, Windows 7 - x86/x64[/li]
[li]Pack with Microsoft High Definition Audio UAAV1.0a(5013) [/li]


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Realtek HD Audio Codecs R2.54
Begonnen von ossinator
05. November 2010, 19:35:19
Die aktuelle Version 2.54 steht zum Download bereit.

[b]Release Notes:[/b]
[li]Realtek HD Audio Driver support all of Realtek HD Audio Codec[/li]
[li]Vista/Windows 7 WHQL Supporting: ALC882, ALC883, ALC885, ALC887, ALC888, ALC889, ALC892, ALC899, ALC861VD, ALC660, ALC662, ALC663, ALC665, ALC670, ALC680 ALC260, ALC262,ALC267, ALC268, ALC269, ALC270, ALC272, ALC273, ALC275[/li]
[li]Windows 2000/XP WHQL Supporting: ALC880, ALC882, ALC883, ALC885, ALC887, ALC888, ALC889, ALC892, ALC899, ALC861VC, ALC861VD, ALC660, ALC662, ALC663, ALC665, ALC670, ALC680 ALC260, ALC262, ALC267,ALC268, ALC269, ALC270, ALC272, ALC273, ALC275[/li]
[li]HDMI Device WHQL Support: ATI HDMI Devices[/li]
[li]OS Supporting: Microsoft Windows XP, Windows 2000, Windows Server 2003, Vista, Windows Server 2008, Windows 7 - x86/x64[/li]
[li]Pack with Microsoft High Definition Audio UAAV1.0a(5013) [/li]

Realtek HD Audio Codecs R2.43
Begonnen von ossinator
26. Februar 2010, 07:53:11
Realtek hat seinen neuen HD Audio Codecs R2.43 online gestellt.

[b]Release Notes:[/b]

[li]Realtek HD Audio Driver support all of Realtek HD Audio Codec.[/li]
[li]Vista/Windows 7 WHQL Supporting: ALC882, ALC883, ALC885, ALC888, ALC889, ALC892, ALC861VD, ALC660, ALC662, ALC663, ALC665, ALC260, ALC262, ALC267, ALC268, ALC269, ALC270, ALC272, ALC273, ALC887, ALC670, ALC275, ALC680[/li]
[li]Windows 2000/XP WHQL Supporting: ALC880, ALC882, ALC883, ALC885, ALC888, ALC889, ALC892, ALC861VC, ALC861VD, ALC660, ALC662, ALC663, ALC665, ALC260, ALC262, ALC267, ALC268, ALC269, ALC270, ALC272, ALC273, ALC887, ALC670, ALC275, ALC680[/li]
[li]HDMI Device WHQL Support: ATI HDMI Devices[/li]
[li]OS Supporting: Microsoft Windows XP, Windows 2000, Windows Server 2003, Vista, Windows Server 2008, Windows 7 - x86/x64[/li]
[li]Pack with Microsoft High Definition Audio UAAV1.0a(5013) [/li]

Realtek HD Audio Codecs R2.40
Begonnen von ossinator
02. Januar 2010, 09:22:03


[li]Realtek HD Audio Driver support all of Realtek HD Audio Codec.[/li]
[li]Vista/Windows 7 WHQL Supporting: ALC882, ALC883, ALC885, ALC888, ALC889, ALC892, ALC861VD, ALC660, ALC662, ALC663, ALC665, ALC260, ALC262, ALC267, ALC268, ALC269, ALC270, ALC272, ALC273, ALC887, ALC670, ALC275, ALC680[/li]
[li]Windows 2000/XP WHQL Supporting: ALC880, ALC882, ALC883, ALC885, ALC888, ALC889, ALC892, ALC861VC, ALC861VD, ALC660, ALC662, ALC663, ALC665, ALC260, ALC262, ALC267, ALC268, ALC269, ALC270, ALC272, ALC273, ALC887, ALC670, ALC275, ALC680[/li]
[li]HDMI Device WHQL Support: ATI HDMI Devices[/li]
[li]OS Supporting: Microsoft Windows XP, Windows 2000, Windows Server 2003, Vista, Windows Server 2008, Windows 7 - x86/x64[/li]
[li]Pack with Microsoft High Definition Audio UAAV1.0a(5013) [/li]

Realtek HD Audio Codecs R2.31
Begonnen von ossinator
25. August 2009, 13:47:10
Der Realtek ist in der neuen Version 2.31 online.

[li]Realtek HD Audio Driver support all of Realtek HD Audio Codec.[/li]
[li]Vista/Windows 7 WHQL Supporting: ALC882, ALC883, ALC885, ALC888, ALC889, ALC861VD, ALC660, ALC662, ALC663, ALC665, ALC260, ALC262, ALC267, ALC268, ALC269, ALC272, ALC273, ALC887, ALC670, ALC275[/li]
[li]Windows 2000/XP WHQL Supporting: ALC880, ALC882, ALC883, ALC885, ALC888, ALC889, ALC861VC, ALC861VD, ALC660, ALC662, ALC663, ALC665, ALC260, ALC262, ALC267, ALC268, ALC269, ALC272, ALC273, ALC887, ALC670, ALC275[/li]
[li]HDMI Device WHQL Support: ATI HDMI Devices[/li]
[li]OS Supporting: Microsoft Windows XP, Windows 2000, Windows Server 2003, Vista, Windows Server 2008, Windows 7 - x86/x64[/li]
[li]Pack with Microsoft High Definition Audio UAAV1.0a(5013)[/li]
[li]Fix DTM KS position testing fail issue when turn on Microphone effect under Win7.[/li]
[li]Reboot message in log file. ( WILL_REBOOT )[/li]
[li]Copy all of AP files to system. [/li]

Realtek HD-Audio-Treiber Neue Version
Begonnen von gdi
23. Januar 2007, 20:33:12
« 1 2 3
[url=http://www.go-windows.de/news/news/neue-realtek-treiber-41.html]zu den News: Neue Realtek Treiber[/url]Realtek hat für seine Soundchipsätze neue Treiber für Vista und XP herausgebracht.[br /] AC'97: A3.96[br /] HD: R1.53Link: [url=http://www.realtek.com.tw/downloads/]http://www.realtek.com.tw/downloads/[/url]