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 Antworten / AufrufeThemen mit dem Stichwort alc880
Realtek HD Audio Codecs R2.40
Begonnen von ossinator
02. Januar 2010, 09:22:03


[li]Realtek HD Audio Driver support all of Realtek HD Audio Codec.[/li]
[li]Vista/Windows 7 WHQL Supporting: ALC882, ALC883, ALC885, ALC888, ALC889, ALC892, ALC861VD, ALC660, ALC662, ALC663, ALC665, ALC260, ALC262, ALC267, ALC268, ALC269, ALC270, ALC272, ALC273, ALC887, ALC670, ALC275, ALC680[/li]
[li]Windows 2000/XP WHQL Supporting: ALC880, ALC882, ALC883, ALC885, ALC888, ALC889, ALC892, ALC861VC, ALC861VD, ALC660, ALC662, ALC663, ALC665, ALC260, ALC262, ALC267, ALC268, ALC269, ALC270, ALC272, ALC273, ALC887, ALC670, ALC275, ALC680[/li]
[li]HDMI Device WHQL Support: ATI HDMI Devices[/li]
[li]OS Supporting: Microsoft Windows XP, Windows 2000, Windows Server 2003, Vista, Windows Server 2008, Windows 7 - x86/x64[/li]
[li]Pack with Microsoft High Definition Audio UAAV1.0a(5013) [/li]


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Realtek HD Audio Codecs R2.35
Begonnen von ossinator
13. Oktober 2009, 08:48:52


[li]Realtek HD Audio Driver support all of Realtek HD Audio Codec.
[/li][li]Vista/Windows 7 WHQL Supporting: ALC882, ALC883, ALC885, ALC888, ALC889, ALC861VD, ALC660, ALC662, ALC663, ALC665, ALC260, ALC262, ALC267, ALC268, ALC269, ALC272, ALC273, ALC887, ALC670, ALC275 [/li]
[li]Windows 2000/XP WHQL Supporting: ALC880, ALC882, ALC883, ALC885, ALC888, ALC889, ALC861VC, ALC861VD, ALC660, ALC662, ALC663, ALC665, ALC260, ALC262, ALC267, ALC268, ALC269, ALC272, ALC273, ALC887, ALC670, ALC275 [/li]
[li]HDMI Device WHQL Support: ATI HDMI Devices [/li]
[li]OS Supporting: Microsoft Windows XP, Windows 2000, Windows Server 2003, Vista, Windows Server 2008, Windows 7 - x86/x64 [/li]
[li]Pack with Microsoft High Definition Audio UAAV1.0a(5013) [/li]
[li]Customizations. [/li]
[li]Fix some presentation of Spanish language. [/li]
[li]Add "Windows Server 2008 x64 R2" identification folder. [/li]

Realtek HD Audio Codecs R2.34
Begonnen von ossinator
30. September 2009, 14:01:28

[li]Realtek HD Audio Driver support all of Realtek HD Audio Codec.[/li]
[li]Vista/Windows 7 WHQL Supporting: ALC882, ALC883, ALC885, ALC888, ALC889, ALC861VD, ALC660, ALC662, ALC663, ALC665, ALC260, ALC262, ALC267, ALC268, ALC269, ALC272, ALC273, ALC887, ALC670, ALC275[/li]
[li]Windows 2000/XP WHQL Supporting: ALC880, ALC882, ALC883, ALC885, ALC888, ALC889, ALC861VC, ALC861VD, ALC660, ALC662, ALC663, ALC665, ALC260, ALC262, ALC267, ALC268, ALC269, ALC272, ALC273, ALC887, ALC670, ALC275[/li]
[li]HDMI Device WHQL Support: ATI HDMI Devices[/li]
[li]OS Supporting: Microsoft Windows XP, Windows 2000, Windows Server 2003, Vista, Windows Server 2008, Windows 7 - x86/x64[/li]
[li]Pack with Microsoft High Definition Audio UAAV1.0a(5013)[/li]

Realtek HD Audio Codecs R2.33
Begonnen von ossinator
15. September 2009, 14:13:43

[li]Realtek HD Audio Driver support all of Realtek HD Audio Codec.[/li]
[li]Vista/Windows 7 WHQL Supporting: ALC882, ALC883, ALC885, ALC888, ALC889, ALC861VD, ALC660, ALC662, ALC663, ALC665, ALC260, ALC262, ALC267, ALC268, ALC269, ALC272, ALC273, ALC887, ALC670, ALC275[/li]
[li]Windows 2000/XP WHQL Supporting: ALC880, ALC882, ALC883, ALC885, ALC888, ALC889, ALC861VC, ALC861VD, ALC660, ALC662, ALC663, ALC665, ALC260, ALC262, ALC267, ALC268, ALC269, ALC272, ALC273, ALC887, ALC670, ALC275[/li]
[li]HDMI Device WHQL Support: ATI HDMI Devices[/li]
[li]OS Supporting: Microsoft Windows XP, Windows 2000, Windows Server 2003, Vista, Windows Server 2008, Windows 7 - x86/x64[/li]
[li]Pack with Microsoft High Definition Audio UAAV1.0a(5013)[/li]

Sound stottert unter Vista Ultimate 32bit (amilo m1437g notebook)
Begonnen von Crayven
27. Februar 2007, 22:11:20
Hi habe ein Fujitsu Siemens Amilo m 1437g Notebook mit einer Onboard Soundkarte von realtek alc880.

Bei stottert der Sound immer wenn ich filme oder mp3´s abspiele und das Soundrädchen geht nicht.

Hat jemand eine Ahnung wie ich das hinbekommen kann.

Realtek HD-Audio-Treiber Neue Version
Begonnen von gdi
23. Januar 2007, 20:33:12
« 1 2 3
[url=http://www.go-windows.de/news/news/neue-realtek-treiber-41.html]zu den News: Neue Realtek Treiber[/url]Realtek hat für seine Soundchipsätze neue Treiber für Vista und XP herausgebracht.[br /] AC'97: A3.96[br /] HD: R1.53Link: [url=http://www.realtek.com.tw/downloads/]http://www.realtek.com.tw/downloads/[/url]
AC97 Sound Treiber
Begonnen von Flitschbirne
19. Juni 2006, 16:30:43
« 1 2 3 4
Ok soweit läuft alles.Ausser der Sound. Hab ne Onboard AC97 Realtek drin.Hab mir hier:[URL]http://www.realtek.com.tw/downloads/dlac97-2.aspx?lineid=5&famid=12&series=8&Software=True[/URL]die Treiber für Vista gesaugt und installiert. Hat auch alles soweit geklappt und im Gerätemanager ist auch kein Ausrufezeichen.Wenn ich im Windows Media Player was abspiele schlägt auch schön der Pegel aus und so weiter.NUR leider höre ich nix :-(Hat da schon wer Erfahrungen gemacht?