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Zum Thema Apple iTunes 10.1.1 - iTunes 10.1.1 behebt einige Bugs.Changelog:Addresses an issue where some music videos may not play on Macs equipped with Nvidia GeForce 9400 or 9600 graphics.Re... im Bereich Short-News
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Apple iTunes 10.1.1

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  • Windows XP
  • Beiträge: 5973
Apple iTunes 10.1.1
« am: 16. Dezember 2010, 09:19:28 »

iTunes 10.1.1 behebt einige Bugs.


  • Addresses an issue where some music videos may not play on Macs equipped with Nvidia GeForce 9400 or 9600 graphics.
  • Resolves an issue where iTunes may unexpectedly quit when deleting a playlist that has the iTunes Sidebar showing.
  • Fixes a problem where iTunes may unexpectedly quit when connecting an iPod to a Mac equipped with a PowerPC processor.
  • Addresses an issue where some music videos may not sync to an iPod, iPhone, or iPad.



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