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Zum Thema ATI Catalyst 10.9 - Der Treiber bringt neue Einstellungsprofile für "Aliens vs. Predator", "Battlefield: Bad Company 2", "F1 2010" und "Kane &... im Bereich Short-News
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ATI Catalyst 10.9

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  • Global Moderator
  • Windows XP
  • Beiträge: 5973
ATI Catalyst 10.9
« am: 16. September 2010, 09:20:42 »
Der Treiber bringt neue Einstellungsprofile für "Aliens vs. Predator", "Battlefield: Bad Company 2", "F1 2010" und "Kane & Lynch 2" mit.

Behobene Fehler:

  • UVD clocks will now return to normal speeds after switching from HD to SD content
  • Flickering no longer visible while running 3D games on HDMI displays with Quad CrossFire™ enabled
  • Mesh corruption is no longer visible in "The Chronicles of Riddick 2: Assault on Dark Athena" when SSAO in-game setting is set to high
  • CrossFire™ now functions properly and in-game Anti-Aliasing can now be enabled in "StarCraft II"
  • Adobe Flash Player will no longer display green screen after resume from sleep
  • Negative CrossFire™ scaling on "Final Fantasy-XIV" no longer occurs
  • Intermittent perfomance drops no longer observed with harware cursor enabled in "World of Warcraft" game in extended mode
  • AVI video no longer lags during playback within Microsoft PowerPoint slide deck
  • Desktop corruption no longer occurs during PowerDVD SD/Blu-ray content playback on 120Hz displays
  • Choppy HD playback no longer occurs while changing color vibrance and fleshtone correction in Catalyst™ Control Center - Advanced Color
  • Copy protection message will no longer appear when viewing a DVD with Windows Media Player on a Windows XP system with PowerDVD 9 installed

Windows 7 & Vista, 32 Bit
Windows 7 & Vista, 64 Bit
Windows XP, 32 Bit
Windows XP, 64 Bit



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