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Zum Thema [AMD/ATI] Catalyst 9.11 - ATI Catalyst 9.11 unterstützt die Hardwarebeschleunigung von Adobe Flash Player 10.1 Beta. Dadurch wird es mit Grafikkarten der 4000er- und 5000er-Serie möglich... im Bereich Short-News
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[AMD/ATI] Catalyst 9.11

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[AMD/ATI] Catalyst 9.11
« am: 18. November 2009, 08:00:07 »
ATI Catalyst 9.11 unterstützt die Hardwarebeschleunigung von Adobe Flash Player 10.1 Beta. Dadurch wird es mit Grafikkarten der 4000er- und 5000er-Serie möglich sein, auch hochauflösendes H.264-Videomaterial ruckelfrei abzuspielen. Zudem bringt der eingebaute "ATI Video converter" für das so genannte Downscaling einige signifikante Verbesserungen mit.

Neuerungen in ATI Catalyst 9.11:

  • This release of ATI Catalyst supports the new Hardware Acceleration features of Adobe Flash Player 10.1 Beta for video encoded in the H.264 format. Adobe Flash Player 10.1 Beta introduces hardware-based H.264 video decoding to deliver smooth video playback, reduce system resource utilization, and preserve battery life. Adobe Flash Player 10.1 Beta is expected to be available for download from Adobe Labs before the end of the year. This feature is supported on the ATI Radeon HD 5800, ATI Radeon HD 5700 and ATI Radeon HD 4000 Series of products.
  • This release of ATI Catalyst includes an enhancement for the ATI Video converter for users transcoding high quality interlaced content (1920x1080i @60i videos) down to small resolution progressive content (320x240 @30p - iPod videos as an example), by maintaining high visual quality when down-scaling by a significant amount and converting interlaced video content to progressive.




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Catalyst 9.11