Off Topic / Re: Bla ... bla ... der Laberthread ... :D
« am: 17. April 2008, 07:04:09 »
Guten Morgen Gemeinde. Noch alle am Pennen :grübel
Kaffeautomat ist online, dann mal Kaffee marsch....
Kaffeautomat ist online, dann mal Kaffee marsch....
Diese Sektion erlaubt es ihnen alle Beiträge dieses Mitglieds zu sehen. Beachten sie, dass sie nur solche Beiträge sehen können, zu denen sie auch Zugriffsrechte haben.
EDIT: @Ossinator, Du arbeitest noch mit Papier und Bleistift? Wie uraltmodisch. Hast Du vielleicht sogar noch einen Füller?
Bulletin Identifier Microsoft Security Bulletin 1
Maximum Severity Rating: Critical
Impact of Vulnerability: Remote Code Execution
Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer can detect whether your computer system requires this update. The update does not require a restart.
Affected Software Microsoft Office. For more information, see the Affected Software section.
Bulletin Identifier Microsoft Security Bulletin 2
Maximum Severity Rating Critical
Impact of Vulnerability: Remote Code Execution
Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer can detect whether your computer system requires this update. The update requires a restart.
Affected Software Microsoft Windows. For more information, see the Affected Software section.
Bulletin Identifier Microsoft Security Bulletin 3
Maximum Severity Rating: Critical
Impact of Vulnerability: Remote Code Execution
Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer can detect whether your computer system requires this update. The update requires a restart.
Affected Software Microsoft Windows. For more information, see the Affected Software section.
Bulletin Identifier Microsoft Security Bulletin 4
Maximum Severity Rating: Critical
Impact of Vulnerability: Remote Code Execution
Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer can detect whether your computer system requires this update. The update may require a restart.
Affected Software Microsoft Windows, Internet Explorer. For more information, see the Affected Software section.
Bulletin Identifier Microsoft Security Bulletin 5
Maximum Severity Rating: Critical
Impact of Vulnerability: Remote Code Execution
Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer can detect whether your computer system requires this update. The update requires a restart.
Affected Software Microsoft Windows, Internet Explorer. For more information, see the Affected Software section.
Bulletin Identifier Microsoft Security Bulletin 6
Maximum Severity Rating: Important
Impact of Vulnerability: Spoofing
Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer can detect whether your computer system requires this update. The update requires a restart.
Affected Software Microsoft Windows. For more information, see the Affected Software section.
Bulletin Identifier Microsoft Security Bulletin 7
Maximum Severity Rating: Important
Impact of Vulnerability: Elevation of Privilege
Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer can detect whether your computer system requires this update. The update requires a restart.
Affected Software Microsoft Windows. For more information, see the Affected Software section.
Bulletin Identifier Microsoft Security Bulletin 8
Maximum Severity Rating: Important
Impact of Vulnerability: Remote Code Execution
Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer can detect whether your computer system requires this update. The update does not require a restart.
Affected Software Microsoft Office. For more information, see the Affected Software section.