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PC Hardware & Treiber / Re: MEDION TREIBER
« am: 18. März 2007, 00:20:41 »
-Ich bin Belgien, ich spreche nicht gut Deutch, ich gehen es probieren in English-

I also have this scanner and I managed to install it under Vista. You must download the drivers for XP. You extract them by using winrar.

Then you have to set the compatiblity setting to windows xp for the Install.exe file. You also must run this program as administrator.

Install the driver+software

Reboot your computer

Connect the USB scanner

You will get a lot of errors, click all on OK to ignore them (about 20).
Close the scanner software (little icon in tray)

Go to c:\windows\twain32\SlimU2\

Right click on HotKey and select Properties. Change the compability to windows XP and select 'Run As Administrator'. Click OK.
Restart the application.

Now the software should find your scanner and connect with it. You can use it throug the medion software (not with a vista application).

Good Luck

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