Windows Vista Forum / Re: sauberer desktop nach boot
« am: 05. September 2008, 17:07:52 »
bitte schön
dann noch viel spaß mit vista und dem board
dann noch viel spaß mit vista und dem board
Diese Sektion erlaubt es ihnen alle Beiträge dieses Mitglieds zu sehen. Beachten sie, dass sie nur solche Beiträge sehen können, zu denen sie auch Zugriffsrechte haben.
Hi "GeneDin",
I investigated this issue with the other user above. Error code 0x80071a91 can indicate some logs have got corrupted in the new Vista transactional registry system, which we use on Windows Search 4.
The suggested fix is to delete some specific files from the directory c:\windows\system32\config\TxR . Note this is a little bit of a complex set of instructions, but if you are comfortable trying this please do so, and let me know if this gets search working again.
- from an elevated command prompt go to directory "c:\windows\system32\config\TxR" {or the equivalent location on your machine}
- run "attrib –H –S *" to make all hidden files in the directory visible.
- run "del *.blf"
- run "del *.regtrans-ms"
- reboot your machine
For everyone I would only recommend trying this if you see error 0x80071a91 in the event log - this is a very specific fix for that specific issue.
Dave Wood