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16. Februar 2025, 15:34:29

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Nachrichten - johnalex

Seiten: [1]
Windows 11 Forum / Re: Funktioniert mein PC mit Windows 11?
« am: 08. April 2022, 12:20:28 »
Yes, most definitely. Desktops, laptops and tablets which are running Windows 7 or 8 will run Windows 11 too. The only difference is that Windows 11 is designed in a way so it is needed to update the device drivers. So check with your PC and the manufacturers if you want to be sure. Microsoft has announced that all the PCs, laptops and tablets made in next 12 months will run Windows 11 without any update.

Programmierung und Scripting / Re: Java oder PHP?
« am: 08. April 2022, 07:22:04 »
Programming Language you should use it depends on your target users and industry which you are going to serve. Certain applications require the use of a particular language. For example, if your application requires the use of a large number of dynamic web pages, it would make sense to use a server-side scripting language like PHP. If your application requires a lot of graphical elements, you would likely want to use a client-side scripting language like JavaScript. For example, if you're adding a new module for an existing application, you may want to use a client-side scripting language to make it easier to tie into the existing code.

Seiten: [1]