Das bringt Patch 1.2
Welche Verbesserungen bringt der Patch? Im direkt von Crytek betreuten Crymod-Forum veröffentlichte ein Crytek-Mitarbeiter eine Änderungsliste für den Crysis-Patch 1.2.
Diese untergliedern sich in drei Hauptpunkte:
• Cheat Protection
Mit Patch 1.2 wird es einen verbesserten Anti-Cheat-Mechanismus geben, welche den einzelnen Server-Administratoren weitgehende Freiheiten bei der Konfiguration einräumt.
•Content Clarification
Es wird weder eine Auto-Download-Funktion noch den Modus Team Instant Action geben, da beide die Herausgabe des Crysis-Patch signifikant verzögert hätten.
•Bugfixes und neue Features
Neben einem integrierten Mod-Launcher in Crysis wird Patch 1.2 noch verbessertes Multiplayer-Balancing beim Luftkampf bringen.
Weitere Auszüge aus dem Change-Log Crysis-Patch 1.2:
1. Optimizations and Stability
* Fixed crash with AI triangulation in the editor.
2. General Fixes/tweaks
* If climbing a ladder while cloaked, energy no longer depletes at the same rate as if player were standing still.
* Mouse cursor will no longer be permanently removed on attaching gamepad.
3. Weapons
* Decreased air speed of grenade launcher projectile for better readability.
* Added smoke trail to grenade launcher shell for better visibility.
4. Vehicles (already introduced further above)
* Added overheat sounds for VTOL and helicopter guns.
* Fixed issue where the AA cannon only produces tracers from the left side barrels.
* Added first person view limits for helicopter, VTOL and APC rear seats.
* Helicopter wind effect no longer plays after vehicle is destroyed.
* Increased VTOL vulnerability to being hit by other aircraft cannons.
5. Singleplayer
* Increased player melee damage and decreased AI melee damage
* Increased damage of most player-fired weapons and decreased damage of most AI-fired weapons.
6. Multiplayer
* Team killed players will no longer drop their weapon.
* Grenades are now visible in the hands of enemies in multiplayer.
7. New Features (already introduced further above)
* Added mod loader to the main menu. User created content can now be loaded and unloaded through this menu.