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Zum Thema AMD Catalyst 11.4 - Nur ganz kurz: AMD hat für seine Radeon Grafikkarten-Serie einen neuen Treiber herausgebracht. Leider kann ich noch nicht zu den Änderungen sagen.Download Catal... im Bereich News-Kommentare
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AMD Catalyst 11.4

 (Antworten: 1, Gelesen 2643 mal)

  • Global Moderator
  • Windows XP
  • Beiträge: 5973
AMD Catalyst 11.4
« am: 27. April 2011, 21:42:29 »
Nur ganz kurz: AMD hat für seine Radeon Grafikkarten-Serie einen neuen Treiber herausgebracht. Leider kann ich noch nicht zu den Änderungen sagen.

Download Catalyst 11.4 Win 7 32 bit
Download Catalyst 11.4 Win 7 64 bit



  • Global Moderator
  • Windows XP
  • Beiträge: 5973
« Antwort #1 am: 28. April 2011, 09:25:55 »
Changelog für Windows 7:
  • The GPU no longer shows high GPU usage after running Firefox 4 with hardware acceleration enabled.
  • Bioshock no longer displays random tearing and screen corruption with Vsync and MLAA enabled.
  • Water textures no longer flicker in Two Worlds II in Crossfire mode.
  • Bulletstorm lightshafts no longer appear broken when running on a HD 6970 series product.
  • Bulletstorm no longer displays random texture corruption when running in Crossfire mode.
  • FI 2010 no longer slows down intermittently when in Crossfire mode.
  • PowerDVD no longer crashes if Crossfire is enabled / disabled during playback of a BD title.
  • WinDVD no longer displays corrupted BD playback when the monitor is rotated to portrait mode.
  • Crysis Warhead corruption is no longer randomly observed when launching the game.
  • Running the Heaven benchmark no longer displays graphics corruption during DirectX 11 tests.
  • Catalyst Control Center Avivo settings are now correctly displayed after connecting a secondary display.
  • The Catalyst Control Center screen no longer flickers while adjusting screen brightness.

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