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Zum Thema Monitor goes black, sound dies, but the PC hardware seems to be running. - This happens during 3 activities, sometimes just after startup, sometimes while playing and sometimes when loading things. Monitor goes black first, sound dies ... im Bereich PC Hardware & Treiber
Autor Thema:

Monitor goes black, sound dies, but the PC hardware seems to be running.

 (Antworten: 1, Gelesen 2777 mal)

  • Windows 1.0
  • Beiträge: 1
Monitor goes black, sound dies, but the PC hardware seems to be running.
« am: 25. September 2021, 07:31:49 »
This happens during 3 activities, sometimes just after startup, sometimes while playing and sometimes when loading things. Monitor goes black first, sound dies after around 5 seconds, however, the PC components are running. Somebody mentioned that the power supply could be an issue. Note: I built this PC half a year ago, everything is brand new.

Edit: Everything is suddenly loading very slowly, which made my PC crash again. After I restarted it, it is still slower.

Thank you in advance.


  • Windows 98
  • Beiträge: 519
« Antwort #1 am: 25. September 2021, 21:45:33 »
Hi Scott
no Info to PC an Hardware.
Step 1 Systemcheck with cmd as Administrator https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kzJ6z0tJhLo
Keep doing until there are no more mistakes
Step 2 Repair Install Inplace Upgrade
excuse my bad English
mfg florian-luca