Hallo zusammen.
Um den Spekulationen, wann Ready-Boost-Fähig und wann nicht, hier die Mindestanforderungen von Microsoft für die Nutzung als Ready-Boost-Stick.
Mindestens 500 MByte Kapazität.
Datentransferraten von mindestens 5 MByte/s (lesend) und 3 MByte/s (schreibend).
Das ist das ganze Geheimis von Adler Sahne ;D ;D
Windows® ReadyBoost™
Usage Guidelines:
In this document you’ll find guidelines and other information that will assist you in making proper referential use of the Windows® ReadyBoost™ trademarks. Windows and ReadyBoost are trademarks owned by Microsoft. Microsoft requires that use of Windows ReadyBoost be consistent across all materials in all media.
The Windows ReadyBoost trademarks must always be used pursuant to the specifications on this page, to identify associated Microsoft Corporation technology. Any use that falls outside of these specifications is strictly prohibited.
Should you have any questions about sections in this document or the trademarks in general, please send e-mail to dzipkin@microsoft.com.
Information about Windows ReadyBoost
1.The Windows ReadyBoost technology (formerly code-named “EMD”) makes PCs more responsive by using flash memory on a USB drive, SD Card, CF Card, or other memory form factor to boost system responsiveness.
2.To use Windows ReadyBoost, PCs must be preinstalled with Windows Vista™ and have access to a non-volatile flash memory buffer with at least 1GB of storage capacity. The flash memory buffer must also meet the requirements for random reads and random writes specified in the Windows Vista Logo “Storage-0009 WLP” specification:
5 MB/sec throughput for random 4k reads across the entire device
3 MB/sec throughput for random 512k writes across the entire device3.Microsoft recommends that the manufacturers confirm that a particular flash device exhibits the above capabilities by downloading and executing the self test kit before claiming that a device enables the Windows ReadyBoost feature. The self-test kit may be downloaded from Microsoft.
Quelle: Microsoft