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Zum Thema Freies Brennprogramm "InfraRecorder" in neuer Version 0.45 - Das freie Brennprogramm "InfraRecorder" ist am 25.4.2008 in neuer Version 0.45 erschienenhttp://infrarecorder.sourceforge.net/Von den verfügbaren Scre... im Bereich PC Software
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Freies Brennprogramm "InfraRecorder" in neuer Version 0.45

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Freies Brennprogramm "InfraRecorder" in neuer Version 0.45
« am: 26. April 2008, 07:59:23 »
Das freie Brennprogramm "InfraRecorder" ist am 25.4.2008 in neuer Version 0.45 erschienen

Von den verfügbaren Screenshots
her gesehen, scheint es sich um ein recht umfängliches Brennprogramm zu handeln, das sogar kommerzielle Brennprogramme wie Nero etc. ersetzen könnte. Vgl. a.:


    * Updated cdrtools to version 2.01.01a38.
    * Fixed a bug making InfraRecorder crash when trying to move a folder to itself.
    * Fixed a bug causing the wrong folder to be opened when double-clicking in the project list view when a project contained folders with identical names.
    * Fixed a bug causing the focus not to be returned to the OK button in the progress dialog after performing an operation.
    * Fixed icon rendering error on Windows XP and newer where display depth is lower than 32-bits.
    * Changed the option to verify the device configuration at start up to be enabled by default.
    * Added support for associating InfraRecorder with disc images.
    * Updated the some of the dialog windows to be minimizable and visible on the task bar when launced by an external application (like irExpress).
    * Fixed a bug causing incorrect file names to be used when verifying recorded discs.
    * Added functionallity to rename and remove files from imported sessions.
    * Added support for selecting which multi-session track to import.
    * When trying to record to a non-empty rewritable disc, InfraRecorder now asks if the disc should be erased.
    * When performing an operation the progress is now also displayed in the taskbar.
    * Reduced memory usage when dealing with projects.
    * Fixed a bug making it impossible to open saved projects containing no files.
    * Included a Thai translation, thanks to Prasit Kaephukhieo!
    * Improved compatibility with the ISO9660 standard.
    * Added support for creating UDF-only file systems.
    * Added support for Unicode files names in Joliet extension and UDF file system.
    * Added support for fragmented files in ISO9660 level 3. Files larger than 4 GiB can now be recorded to an ISO9660 file system.
    * Removed mkisofs and isoinfo dependencies.
    * Fixed some bugs related to importing disc sessions.
    * Added properties menu item when right-clicking on the project tree root node.
    * Added proper flagging of hidden files in the disc file system.
    * Changed the default write method for multi-session projects to TAO.
    * Fixed a bug causing InfraRecorder to crash when renaming project files to include slash or backslash characters.
    * Added the .img extension to the list of supported disc image extensions.
    * A few cosmetic changes.
    * Included an Arabic translation, thanks to Circoficus!
    * Included a Greek translation, thanks to ÓôáìÜôéïò Ç. ÓôáìáôÝëëïò!
« Letzte Änderung: 26. April 2008, 09:33:06 von Jean Raul »


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